Tuesday, March 11, 2025

October 23, 2015

Near Miss!! Mental Footage Shows A380 Fly Right Under A Chopper [Video]

Two pilots flew a little too close for comfort over Dubai in the UAE, the helicopter pilot capturing the moment on video.

If you’re thinking someone might be getting the sack for that close call above you would be wrong, the two pilots in question pulling off this mental stunt as part of an Emirates promotional campaign.

Some have questioned whether the pilots flouted safety regulations to pull off the high altitude feat but Emirates deny that claim. Below from Mashable:

“Emirates can confirm that it has conducted air to air filming of the A380 over various parts of Dubai as well as the UAE, and has safely completed all of the required flights,” a spokesperson for Emirates [said]…

“In general for two aircraft flying in close proximity, size doesn’t matter,” Todd Curtis of Airsafe.com told Mashable. “If there’s proper planning ahead of time and both sides know and maintain a proper separation distance, there shouldn’t be a problem.”

Well as long as everyone left happy then no harm no foul I guess.
