Note to self, we must all support each and every student who protests the rising university fees in this country or face the wrath of Twitter.
Local comedian Loyisa Gola made something of a faux pas when he reposted a video of students protesting at Wits. It wasn’t the video that was the problem, it was his comment that accompanied said video.
Here are those tweets in order…
Now I’m not going to bother posting screenshots of the heat he drew because frankly they’re not all that funny, proving that whilst everyone on Twitter can have an opinion not everyone can pen a humorous tweet. Suffice to say he was torn a new one, although he didn’t exactly go down quietly.
Oh dear, now you’ve gone and done it. The hashtage #Loyisomustfall then started doing the rounds and is still going strong this morning.
Moral of the story? It isn’t necessary to dress like a poor person to protest the increasing cost of acquiring a tertiary institution, and if you dare criticise anyone doing so get ready for your mentions to go through the roof for all the wrong reasons.