Saturday, March 15, 2025

October 19, 2015

This Is How Much SABMiller’s CEO Is Going To Cash In When This Deal Goes Through

When a deal worth R1,4 trillion is set to be inked you know someone is going to line their pockets in a big way. That person would be Alan Clark.

If you were wondering whether you went into the right line of work on your way in this morning this won’t do you any good.

The big guns over at SABMiller will be rather pleased that the monster R1,4 trillion deal with Anheuser-Busch InBev is looking more and more likely to be finalised. I’m sure they weren’t struggling before but things are set to get even better with this from Fin24:

SAB’s top management could walk away with a collective payout of $2.1bn in the form of shares and share options, the UK Guardian reported.

Alan Clark, SAB’s CEO, could get more than £80m (R1,6bn).


Let that sink in for a second – R1,6 billion off the back of one deal. Alan isn’t the only one who will be smiling though:

One transitory benefit for South Africa would be the flood of foreign currency into the country when the deal is consummated.

That would be good for the rand, said Wayne McCurrie, portfolio manager at Momentum Wealth.

The inflow of foreign exchange would help narrow the gap in the country’s current account, which would in turn be good for the credit rating.

Treasury, which was “obsessed” with the country’s credit rating, would be shooting itself in the foot it if it blocked the deal…

That’s the most PC use of the word ‘consummated’ I have ever seen. Happy Monday Alan Clark, we’ll just sit here and dream.
