Tuesday, March 11, 2025

October 13, 2015

Please Stop And Enjoy These ‘Rocky Horror’ Obsessed People At Home

I'll admit to watching Forrest Gump more times than is healthy, although I've yet to attempt to run a shrimping business. These fans are certainly all in.

Leeeeet’s Doooooo The Time Waaaarp Agaaaaaaaaain.

If you’re not a Rocky Horror fan that one will have sailed right over your head so play catch up with that video HERE.

Right, let’s take a closer look at just how obsessed some folks are with the tour de force that is The Rocky Horror Picture Show.  Photographer Lauren Everett has taken a series of brilliant photos titled ‘People Like Us’, many focusing on the musical’s superfans. Here she is talking to the Huffington Post:

“What attracted me to this subject originally was not the film or performance material itself, but the idea of fandom itself, as a concept and practice,” Everett [said].

“The repetitive nature of ‘shadow casting’ the film over and over again is really ritualistic, and I think my interest in religion and ritual that drew me to this initially. After shooting eight or 10 people, it seemed like the images were revealing something about what happens when someone puts on a costume and evokes a character. There’s a transcendence and a transformation, and it was really beyond what I had expected”…

Everett’s series juxtaposes all the glitzy fantasy of the “Rocky Horror” life with the posters, stuffed animals, bookshelves and other humdrum accessories of domestic life. The combination of fantasy and reality shows the wide range of personas, masks and identities a single life can hold.

OK, before we have a look at these photos one cast photo for a point of comparison…


And now for those superfans…








I suppose you have to admire their devotion to the cause, although I’m not sure how seamlessly they would blend into everyday society.

To each their own and no one’s getting hurt, you guys just do you.
