Say what you want about Victoria’s Secret but they do hand-pick some of the world’s most beautiful woman to model their wares. I mean how much Photoshop touching up do THESE ladies really need?
If you’re going on the latest picture posted to Facebook on the Victoria’s Secret page they might need more than you think. Here’s the post that has caused all the controversy…
Shucks, that seems alright to me. Hang on, what terrible affliction has caused this woman to be missing one butt cheek and a piece of her arm? Oh dear, whoever has touched this photo up (not like that) might soon be out of a job me thinks. Here’s Business Insider:
…flawed photo editing makes consumers not want to trust brands like Victoria’s Secret, University of Southern California marketing professor Jeetendr Sehdev, a branding expert, told Business Insider this summer.
“We have seen the backlash — those perfect bodies are not even the bodies of the Angels,” Sehdev said, using the name for Victoria’s Secret’s models. And people know that now … people are fully aware, consciously or subconsciously, whether they are looking at a Photoshopped image.”
These below are the most liked comments on the Facebook post in question:
That one up top, Lauren venting her frustration, is backed up by figures that could soon come to be problematic for the Victoria’s Secret brand:
Since Aerie has abandoned Photoshop, sales have soared — in the second fiscal quarter of 2015, comparable-store sales (sales at stores open at least a year) skyrocketed 18%. Sales at Victoria’s Secret’s have not decreased, but same-store sales increased by just 3% in the second quarter.
It isn’t yet panic stations for the lingerie gurus but they might want to exercise greater caution before posting shoddy work like that. People love a little outrage on the interweb, best you don’t stoke that fire.