Wednesday, March 26, 2025

October 2, 2015

Prince Harry Channels Ace Ventura When Hanging With Dan Marino [Video]

Much like the slow clap Ace Ventura quotes have to be delivered at the right moment to really hit home, Enter Prince Harry with some great timing.

Damn you Harry, what a life you lead and you still find time to make brilliant Ace Ventura wisecracks.

The prince was enjoying a trundle around the English countryside with Dan Marino as part of the Walking With The Wounded’s Walk of Britain team, trekking to raise money for wounded veterans when his time to shine arrived.

Now in case you never watched Ace in action (I feel for you) here’s the clip from the first movie that references that ‘laces out’ moment.

And now watch Harry drop the famous line just after Dan has wound back the clock and unleashed his arm once more.

And that, good people, is why he is just that much cooler than older brother William. A couple of drinks too many in Vegas and it shouldn’t be long before we see Harry talking out of his backside either.
