Wednesday, March 26, 2025

October 1, 2015

Epic TV Interview Mistakes Edward Snowden For Edward Scissorhands [Video]

If we can learn anything from this it should be that, as a TV anchor, you might want to pay attention to what your guests are saying. Troll one, anchor zero.

The story of Rickrolling is almost as old as the internet itself (a really fantastic read on that HERE), but it’s been a while since I’ve seen someone get trolled so hard on live television.

TV station HLN’s anchor Yasmin Vossoughian was interviewing Twitter comedian Jon Hendren (HERE, sporting the wonderful handle @fart) on the topic of Edward Snowden. Snowden has recently opened a Twitter account and the pair were discussing whether or not he should be allowed to do so given his whistle-blowing past.

Once the host returns from a John Oliver section (around the two-minute mark) she puts another question to Hendren and here’s where the trolling begins. Here’s Salon:

“Could he have hurt someone?” Vossoughian asked.

“Well, you know to say he couldn’t harm someone,” Hendren replied, seemingly on topic. “Absolutely he could. But I think to cast him out, to make him invalid in society, simply because he has scissors for hands — I mean that’s strange. People didn’t get scared until he started sculpting shrubs into dinosaur shapes and what-not.”

Vossoughian fails to pick up on the joke and the exchange continues with Hendren rapping on about one of Johnny Depp’s weirder roles, which is in itself saying something.

Perhaps next time during a back and forth HLN might ask that their anchors pay at least a shred of attention to what their guests say, although these mishaps do make for great viewing.
