Science really is like magic, don’t you think? Except, instead of using the slight-of-hand and psychological illusions, it uses NATURE. Aaaah, and don’t we all just love a little bit of nature.
So, when it comes to quitting the cigarette (I’m not even a real smoker and I know how hard it is) what else is better to rely on than the data collected by the Annals of Internal Medicine, the U. S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), a federally appointed group of independent experts, who reviewed data on smoking cessation.
Do you even Vape, bro?
There are not enough studies to say the e-cigarettes are a better substitute for the real thing. There have only been two studies and both have results that are inconclusive. In fact, although there are benefits to using the e-cigarette as an alternative in that it actually assists in curving one’s inhalation of tobacco, there are concerns about the compounds in e-cigarettes, as well as their consistency and quality, which could make them potentially more harmful than helpful.
Take some drugs and have a chat
Studies show that when quitting, you should have some support in your life, whether it’s a book you read, a person to speak to or a recording of day-to-day mantra’s to keep you off your craving. Drugs are also a win, whether its a nicotine replacement or a placebo.
People trying bupropion nearly doubled their chances of quitting while varenicline more than doubled smoking cessation rates compared to controls.
There’s also some research on pregnant smokers – only 1/6 woman smoke during pregnancy and those who smoke before conceiving can be counselled out of the habit. There is no data on the effect of quit-smoking drugs on the fetus, however.
Just do it all
So, after all that, it is suggested that the best way to quit smoking is to do ALL the rituals, including counselling, taking drugs, and puffing on that e-cigarette.
But then it all unravels when you go out for that one drink and you’ve had a hard day and you’re just like, damn, I would love a cigarette right about now.
[source: time]