Tuesday, March 25, 2025

September 22, 2015

More Desperate Stories Highlight The Need For Organ Donors In SA

If you don't yet know about Amy Miller we need to get you up to speed. A few clicks here and there could make all the difference to this girl and her family.

You may have seen the ads on TV, you are more than likely familiar with the story of Jenna Lowe (the beautiful soul responsible for the ‘Get me to 21’ campaign), so why is that many South Africans are so apathetic when it comes to signing up as organ donors?

The latest heart-wrenching story is that of Amy Miller, the young Durban girl born with a deadly heart defect. Most babies born with this defect do not live for longer than a few days or weeks. She had a life-saving operation when she was just six days old and another at the age of four months, whilst a third operation bought her a few more years.

Amy is now five years old and her doctors have placed her on the organ donor transplant list as they believe a new heart from a donor is the only way to secure a long term solution for Amy.

So what can we do to help? Well for a start we can register as an organ donor ourselves, a process that is EASY, QUICK and FREE. Then you can go on to learn a little more about Amy HERE or on the ‘A New Heart for Amy Miller‘ Facebook page.


While you’re at it check out Heart Kids South Africa and get sharing, the best way to give this girl a chance is to spread the word as far and wide as possible.

Use the hashtag #anewheartforamy on Twitter and Instagram and let’s all do what we can to get Amy the help she needs.