Osama Abdul Mohsen is the name of the man that was kicked down by the Hungarian camerawoman who, even after apologising, lost her job last week. But after word got out that he is, in fact, a soccer coach, a small miracle occurred, providing the father of two a job:
Members of Spain’s Cenafe national soccer coaching center decided to help him by providing transport and a place for to stay while he rebuilds his life.
Osama arrived in Spain along with his wife and sons, having stayed for some time in Mersin, Turkey after the family fled from Syria in 2012.
The president of the school at which Osama will be coaching felt united by the fact that he is a coach and found it necessary to put systems in place to help a brother out:
Financial aid had been allocated for projects and they would try and invest it by paying for Abdul Mohsen’s “home and upkeep.”
You go, Osama, I hope your new soccer team wins all the matches.
[source: nbcnews]