Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Cape Town: Pharrell Williams Concert Organisers Are Freaking Out Over Monday’s 40,000-Strong Protest

Until Woolworths and Pharrell can prove they aren't apartheid advocates, the duo are going to have to deal with everything the pro-Palestinian groups of South Africa have to throw at them.

Woolies has sorta missed the mark on their marketing budget this year. At first, the pairing seemed delicious and exciting – but as soon as the ugly truths started to roll in, the doubt, angst and confusion rolled up into one big ball of disrespect.

First off, Woolworths are still importing goods from Israel. Secondly, they brought on a massive icon to release a clothing range – and he isn’t exactly helping their cause.

The campaign, ‘Are You With Us’ has Pharrell William’s face all over it and is on a mission to change the world – aiming to make a difference where ever they can. In essence, they want to ‘harmonise humanity’. Sure. Ok. Great. You go, Guys.

In the video below, Pharrell Williams goes on to say:

For those who believe and clean their lakes, rivers, and oceans, who care about their products and where they come from…

Like Woolworths – they are a blueprint for how good businesses do good business.

However, it seems that what Pharrell is preaching and what he is doing is seen by many as two completely different things. According to Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS) – a global campaign attempting to increase economic and political pressure on Israel -:

Williams is performing in Israel in violation of the cultural boycott before he arrives in South Africa. BDS South Africa has previously written a five-page letter to Williams urging the artist to cancel his Israeli gig plans and delay his collaboration with Woolworths till it ends its Israeli trade. BDS South Africa even offered to fly and meet with Pharrell Williams to discuss the issue. Williams has refused to respond to the letter

Pharrell is set to perform at Grand West, Cape Town on Monday and concert goers have turned to the High Court to squash plans of an anti-Woolwoths protest of up to 40 000 people expected outside the venue. BDS national coordinator Muhammed Desai, however, insists the protest is justified:

We want to give people an opportunity to be on the right side of history.

BDS applied to proceed with their protest and they’re not the only organisation that intends to populate the peaceful movement. The ANC Women’s League, Cosatu, Palestine Solidarity Campaign and the Young Communist League of South Africa are all rallying behind the BDS’s plans.

We believe Woolworths is about to make a R200-million marketing blunder by bringing Pharrell to South Africa.

You know, I used to think Pharrell was a demi-god, until ‘If you’re happy” completely killed every ounce of sex appeal he had.

So you know what, BDS, please, go ahead. South Africa doesn’t need a vampire to give us cool clothes, we have enough of that without trying. Good luck, Woolies.

[source: news24]