Saturday, March 22, 2025

WINNERS ANNOUNCED: Free Tickets To The Jozi Invite-Only Party Everyone Is Talking About

Mention free drinks and you'll usually find people sit up and take notice. Those perks aside, this is set to be one Jack Daniel's event you really don't want to miss out on.

Alright folks, time to announce who has won the 15 Double Tickets to The Hive party tonight at Fallen Heroes tonight at 6PM. If you see your name below all you must do is head to the venue with your plus one and your name will be on the list. Here we go…

Stuart Holdane
Ethienne Reynecke
Phumlani Nxopo
Refiloelerato Tsela
Rob Garden
Dillon Mcevoy
Caitlinde Kock
Brett Carey
Martin Harrison
Frans Jooste
Angelika de Beer
Amy Gibbons
Cameron Kew
David le Roux
Chris Jacobs

You guys go have yourself a jolly good evening and don’t be shy to let us know how easily that Jack Daniel’s Honey went down.

You just get your good times shoes on for now. ..

If you’re a fan of whiskey – and let’s be honest who isn’t – there’s a new kid in town you’ll want to get acquainted with. You may have heard of this gem but we’re not so sure you’ve had a chance to introduce Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey to your taste buds, something that we would like to change. It’s the honey-infused whiskey that offers a taste of the unexpected so don’t be shy, we know you love surprises.

We’re going to do our bit and facilitate that meeting by dishing out 15 Double Tickets to The Hive party at Fallen Heroes, TOMORROW 28 August, the famed tattoo parlour in Parkhurst. At the jol you’ll get free drinks, a lekker vibe, live music by Greedy Greg and stand the chance to win awesome prizes. Don’t say we never look after the good people of Jozi, you know we love you guys too.


Now going about winning these double tickets isn’t going to take much effort on your part, we’re just asking for a touch of thinking outside the box. Just there, below in the comments section, we want you to leave us a friendly suggestion of a funky place to host a shindig with some friends, but somewhere you wouldn’t expect a bartender on hand to dish out the goods. Us Cape Town folks might say somewhere like Signal Hill sundowners, you folks in Jozi will have to get a little more creative and think of somewhere you might expect to ‘Taste the Unexpected’.

Don’t be shy to pop a picture below your suggestion, although we won’t hold it against you (much) if you don’t. Because free drinks and a little bit of Honey with a whole lot of Jack is as simple as typing a few words below.