Friday, March 14, 2025

August 27, 2015

This Is Why Dishwashing Tablets Are So Expensive

What happened to the good old days when Chappies were 10 cents and R2 could get you a cooldrink? Things are expensive people, we learn that the hard way.

We all have those moments when we wonder where all the money is going. You can track how many toots or night’s out for dinner you’ve been having, that’s not the hard part, it’s the little bits and bobs that add up and before you know it you’re hanging on until pay day again.

For most of us shopping for home essentials is one of those exercises where you toss things in the trolley and mutter at the price. Then you move on, repeat and wonder where all the money has gone come the end of the month.

You see things are expensive because most of us can’t be bothered to look for the deals that are out there. So here you go, this is the best deal you will find on dishwasher tablets and we’re bringing it all the way to your screens.

How about Six Packs of 26 Finish Finish Powerball All-in-One Max Tablets from R495, delivered to your door so you need not face the trauma that is a shop to a busy supermarket? Yes, you like it my friends, I can tell.


Choose between these options:
What you need to know:
Brilliant clean and shine
Added protection against glass corrosion
Glasses sparkle for longer
No need to unwrap tablet
Total tablets: 156

You see that, what foresight you have exhibited. This grown up thing is easy, right?