Tuesday, March 11, 2025

August 27, 2015

That Guy Filmed Himself Shooting The TV Reporter

The man responsible for the shooting in Virginia yesterday was live tweeting the entire thing. That includes this chilling video of the moment he opened fire.

Late yesterday we brought you the disturbing footage of a TV reporter and her cameraman being gunned down and killed live on air. The video was a rather disturbing one, but it doesn’t come close to what this twisted individual uploaded to his Twitter account moments after the attack.

The shooter’s name is Vester Lee Flanagan and he actually worked at the same TV station as the deceased for a short period in 2012 and 2013. His Twitter account was under the name he used when working at various stations across the country, Bryce Williams, and gives us good insight as to what led him to this point. Below is from Heavy – remembering that Alison was the reporter and Adam the cameraman, these tweets coming shortly before the shooting.


Flanagan shot himself after being confronted by police following the shooting, dying later in hospital from the self-inflicted wounds.

Now it’s obvious that this deranged individual wanted to go out in a blaze of publicity so we’re not going to grant him that. There are still some sites displaying the video he filmed and uploaded to Twitter so you can head over and watch that if you’re so inclined.


There’s a list of five things you might want to know about this imbecile HERE that’s worth checking out, and if you do feel inclined to watch that video, a final warning that it is pretty tough watching.
