Personally, I would lose it if there photographers trying to take my photo every minute of the day. I would just have to go in to hiding. But Mel Gibson, who has a suspect past of abusive outbursts, reportedly attacked a photographer in Sydney on Monday. Mel and his new girlfriend, Rosalind Ross, were leaving the Sydney Theatre when he slammed a photographer for taking his picture. Kristi Miller, a News Corp Australia photographer, alleges this is what went down:
I took a photo of Mel and his girlfriend and when I turned around he shoved my back really hard…It shocked me because I wasn’t expecting it. I don’t know if it was his hands or elbow. He was spitting in my face as he was yelling at me, calling me a dog, saying I’m not even a human being and I will go to hell. He swore and called me a c**t. It was non-stop, he didn’t even breathe.
[source: radaronline]