Walk and talk used to be something hurried business people would say to each other whilst in between important meetings. Now, sadly, it means the ability to walk and message on one’s phone at the same time without causing too much havoc.
You may have heard about Utah University creating a designated lane on campus for those who walk and text, half poking fun at their students’ mobile obsession and half admitting that resistance is futile. Now folks in Korea have gone one better and designed an umbrella that is texting friendly.
It’s the Phone-brella, naturally, and here’s the advert punting just how life-changing it can be…
Here’s Fortune with more:
Korean company kt Design has come up with the ultimate solution: the Phone-brella.
The Phone-brella represents the ultimate umbrella revolution – but no, unlike its name would lead you to believe, it’s not an umbrella that you can use to call your friends. It’s much simpler than that, but, one could argue, equally groundbreaking. The innovation is this: the handle is curved in a way that goes around your wrist, making it so you are able to basically wear the Phone-brella on one hand, leaving that hand free to help the other send Snapchats or check emails.
The mind boggles, it really does. Here’s hoping this isn’t the new selfie stick and we see umbrella-wielding texters sauntering down our streets here at home.