Thursday, March 13, 2025

August 19, 2015

Trump Said Heidi Klum “Is No Longer A 10” – This Is How She Responded

When you're running for president you will find most of the stupid things you say have a way of coming back to bite you in the ass. Let's score this Heidi 1, Trump 0 then.

Imagine being so good-looking that you can say, with a straight face, that Heidi Klum is no longer a perfect 10?

Scratch that, imagine being so obnoxious that you would say that to the New York Times with a straight, self-tanned, insult to a bulldog face? Who else but the Trump:

“Sometimes I do go a little bit far,” he allowed, adding, after a moment: “Heidi Klum. Sadly, she’s no longer a 10.”

One step forward, two steps back. Now Heidi isn’t one to take such an insult lying down and recently fired back at the wannabe politician with that video up top.

If I were to offer criticism I would say they could have used someone with more Trump-like hair and a portly frame. Then again, with Heidi in the frame who would bother looking at that?
