Wednesday, March 26, 2025

July 28, 2015

Woman Bust Texting Lover Next To Husband At Ballgame

You might say that knowing someone is being cheated on is one of society's greatest moral conundrums - to blab or not to blab? These girls took matters into their own hands

Have you ever suspected your partner of cheating and been desperate to go through their phone to find evidence, even though you know it’s a total invasion of privacy? Well, if you want to keep the moral high ground you could just take your other half to a sports game and let someone else do it for you.

Unfortunately for this guy, he apparently had no idea of his wife’s antics, which were revealed to him by a pair of meddling sisters during an Atlanta baseball game.

There was apparently more action off the pitch than on, as Delana and Brynn Hinson spotted the lady in front of them sending suspicious texts, while her husband innocently watched the game beside her. This from Huffington Post:

I will be naked… laying on the ground” one of the messages reads. “Mark Allen I lov … much,” said another text, partially obscured by the woman’s hand.

The name at the top of the screen was “Nancy.”

Naturally they took photos and tweeted their discovery.

 Yowsers. They then took it upon themselves to inform the cuckold, by writing him an informative note along the lines of:
Your wife is cheating on you. look at the messages under Nancy,” it said. “It’s really a man named Mark Allen.”
The man got in touch with the sisters and requested evidence of his wife’s extra-marital activities.
And… that’s all we know. The two girls have become internet sensations, whilst I’m sure the couple in question are keen to keep their anonymity.
Let this be a lesson for all you reckless texters – you never know who’s watching, and cashing in on your misfortune.