It looks like someone has been drinking too much and enjoying the old Fast and Furious DVD’s of late if this video is anything to go by.
If you’re a parent whose youngster goes out drinking in the Claremont area you might want to look away now. Unless your car came home with a mystery prang, in which case we might have solved the problem.
Not much is currently known about what happened after this video above concluded but for now let’s just have a good laugh at these fools. Start from around the 30-second mark and watch from there, with the description here from News24:
The video takes place at Imam Haron road, Claremont and follows the passengers of two cars seemingly teasing each other, until one driver goes over the top and attempts to speed past the other car – losing control and crashing into a street light on the opposite side of the road.
Technically it isn’t really their high speeds that have caused the accident, more just a general lack of anything resembling common sense.
We were all young and dumb once but this is some next level stupidity.