We all have that one friend who is petrified of his missus. There he is, having himself a lekker time with the boys, when all of a sudden the phone rings and he goes a whiter shade of pale.
Sometimes, however, you really do owe your other half a big ‘ol apology. Take for example this man, 58-year-old Donald Ryding, who promised his wife that he was obeying his doctor’s orders and turning over a newer, healthier leaf. Below from the Telegraph:
Julie Ryding, from Leasowe, Merseyside, became suspicious over her husband’s doctor-enforced health drive when she found Hobnob wrappers in his car. After hearing the Street View car had been round, she checked their street – only to find her husband Donald, 58, smoking on the drive…
She added: “I couldn’t believe it – there was no denying it now we’d seen him smoking. When Street View first launched, they didn’t blur out faces, but there was no need to with him – he was covered by a cloud of smoke anyway.”
Whereas Google is usually the best way to catch someone out on those ‘facts’ they keep spouting, this time poor Donald never stood a chance. This is one embarrassment that even clearing your browser history can’t solve.