Friday, March 7, 2025

July 17, 2015

Vice Magazine Found This Video Of An Organised Fight In A New Zealand Prison [Video]

What do you do when you're bored and serving a life sentence for a hideous crime? Start your own fight club of course! These guys show us how

It’s not turning out to be a good week for the world’s prisons. It started with Mexican drug lord El Chapo’s impressive tunnel escape, and now footage has been leaked onto Youtube showing a bunch of Kiwi inmates beating each other up for sport.

It’s all a bit embarrassing for New Zealand’s Mount Eden Correctional Facility, where fighting and mobile phones are both strictly prohibited. Officials are investigating the underground fight club, which if the tats in the video are to be believed are being organised by members of the Black Power gang. The director of operations at SERCO, the outsourcing company that manages the facility, had this to say:

 I have commissioned a thorough investigation which will examine these incidents. We will work with the Department of Corrections on any necessary actions arising.”

But as Vice reports, the prison has had more inmate assaults than any other NZ prison since SERCO started running the show three years ago, including a recent yard beating that put convicted murderer Nikki Roper in hospital.

Jeepers. Although I suppose New Zealand has to be in the news for something other than their rugby team and being the set for Lord of the Rings…

[source: Vice]