You know those really tricky cases in Grey’s Anatomy that no-one could work out, not even McDreamy? Well if they’d only been able to download this new app they would have been done a heeeell of a lot quicker.
As the Huffington Post reports, ‘Figure 1’ allows doctors to upload photos of grizzly medical conundrums in order to get help and advice from a global network of other doctors. Developed by Dr. Josh Landy, the app is an example of knowledge sharing at its best – with an average ‘solving’ time of thirty minutes.
Here are a couple of the least squeam-inducing photos, but if you’d like to see the good stuff you can click HERE.
The specimen pictured here is a rare form of bladder stone known as a jackstone.
This x-ray demonstrates a dramatic case of pneumoperitoneum, sometimes called free air under the diaphragm.
[source: The Huffington Post]