I don’t know about you but I felt pretty sick after watching that trailer, and even worse when I realised just how big of an industry canned lion hunting really is. As the Daily Maverick reports, of the 10,000 lions in South Africa, a mere 3,000 of them are actually truly wild. The rest are born and bred on private camps who give half-arsed claims that they are working to conserve the species, despite it being glaringly obvious that their primary motivation is human entertainment and in turn profit.
The animals’ lives are reduced to three sinister stages; as cubs they are stroked and cuddled by tourists, as teenagers they ‘walk’ with tourists in the veld, and when they reach adulthood they’re turned over to the canned lion tourists who come from all over the world to get a guaranteed kill and trophy, à la Rebecca Francis.
‘Blood Lions’ will hopefully blow the lid off all that, as it follows more than 15 years of wildlife campaigner Ian Michler’s crusade against this brutal practice. The documentary will be premiered at the Durban International Film Festival on July 22nd, where if the trailer is anything to go by it will cause quite a stir.
For more on this story click HERE.
To find out how you can support the campaign, click HERE.
[source: The Daily Maverick]