Tuesday, March 18, 2025

July 14, 2015

Seagull Steals GoPro – Captures Cool Footage [Video]

Throw a slaptjip in the air close to the beach and the seagulls will come. You wouldn't expect them to make off with your camera though would you?

Seagulls really are the beady-eyed hyenas of the seaside. You’ll probably have seen one swoop down and terrorise a poor child trying to enjoy an ice-cream, now imagine the panic when the winged wise guy makes off with your GoPro camera?

Martin Lozano suffered the daylight robbery whilst in Spain but this https://www.propecia-finasteride-buy.com story has something of a happy ending – he later recovered the gadget and received a free birds-eye view of the Cies Islands.

Just look at the last bit of video Martin uploaded to YouTube and tell me you would trust this seagull…
