When your dad is one of the biggest drug lords in the history of the world, do you a) follow in his austere footsteps and live a modest lifestyle to avoid drawing attention to yourself, or b) splash your cash on guns, girls and bling like a modern day Tony Montana?
Well, if daddy dearest is none other than Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman, the answer is definitely B.
Whilst El Chapo is busy escaping the feds, if Twitter is anything to go by Alfredo and Ivan are living the life like only a gangster knows how, as these pictures from the Washington Post demonstrate.
There’s no proof that this is definitely them, but as a native Mexican Spanish speaker I can tell you that they definitely sound like a pair of braggy Narcos. Translation: “I’m not sure I have enough money in my bag”.
Lion cub = obligatory cartel accessory.
Personally I feel it’s a bit cliche to have a gold AK47 installed in your ride, but I suppose there’s no accounting for taste.
It’s been reported that both sons are involved in the family business, so if they carry on like this it probably won’t be long before they’re behind bars. (Although their dad will have them out in a jiffy so that’s ok).
For more on this story click HERE.
[source: The Washington Post]