Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, according to Forbes, is worth in the region of $700 million – a tidy little nest egg that allows one the freedom to buy some rather sought after property.
No surprises then that Cyril plans to retire in Cape Town, building a luxury mansion at the foot of Lion’s Head on land he bought for R30 million. The two plots in Fresnaye, which lie adjacent to one another, cost the princely sum of R21 000 per square metre and are two of the last remaining sea-facing tracts of land in the area. A quick snoop on the property market and it’s easy to see why, house prices have an awful lot of zeros behind them.
So how is building coming along then? Over to News24:
Workers have toiled there for the past two and a half months, balancing heavy machinery on a sheer precipice to blast granite from the mountainside in order to create a flat surface where the deputy president’s new house will be built.
They are nearly finished with that, and soon a new team will arrive to dig foundations for the house.
Journalists who managed to sneak a peek at building plans reported that the house will have a swimming pool and a deck with views out over the Atlantic Ocean. I don’t imagine that comes as a surprise, you don’t pay exorbitant prices for sea-facing land unless you’re a fan of gazing at the ocean and contemplating where your next billion will come from.
Enjoy Cyril, if you’re looking for a house sitter while you’re away we know some people.