Ever wonder what happened to Scout in ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’? Well now you can find out, as Harper Lee is publishing her second novel at the grand old age of 89. ‘Go Set A Watchman’ follows the Pulitzer-Prize winning ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’, a mere 55 years later. The second book was actually written first, but her publisher didn’t think it was good enough to go to print and told her to write about her protagonist’s childhood instead. Nice move.
Anyway, the first chapter has been released as a teaser before the book launches on July 14th, and the Guardian have done an awesome interactive version which you can read HERE. Or, if you’re sitting in traffic (looking at your phone, naughty) you can listen to the dulcet tones of Reese Witherspoon as she reads it to you.
Lovely jubbly.
[sources: The Guardian and The Wall Street Journal]