Wednesday, March 26, 2025

WATCH: Internet Freaks Out Over Ariana Grande’s ‘I Hate America’ CCTV Video

Poor old Ariande Grande, the young singer under fire for a video showing her disrespecting all that is American. Here's the footage that has landed her in hot water.

Isn’t it great to judge young celebrities who say stupid things, all the while reflecting on what well-rounded individuals we were at such an age?

Take for example 22-year-old Ariana Grande, clearly a few drinks in on the Fourth of July and eager to shovel some doughnuts into her mouth. Does she behave like a normal youngster with shitloads of money and wait patiently or does she cause a little mischief? It’s the latter, but it’s one phrase in particular that has turned the internet against her. Page Six quotes her:

“What the f–k is that? I hate Americans. I hate America.”

That’s right, she uttered the verbal equivalent of punching a bald eagle right in the face. The backlash was swift, forcing her to issue this apology below:

Grande is an anti-childhood obesity advocate, making her doughnut-licking antics all the more reprehensible.

What punishment befits such heinous behaviour – an hour with Donald Trump, ten minutes with Kanye West, a duet with Justin Bieber? How about a police investigation, with this from Huffington Post:

Police in Lake Elsinore, California, where the doughnut shop is located, said they and Riverside County public health officials were investigating the video, which appeared to show the 22-year-old singer and a man with her “maliciously lick” the doughnuts.

Mayra Solis, 22, a cashier on duty at Wolfee Donuts when Grande went into the store, said the singer didn’t purchase any of the doughnuts she licked.

The nerve. I remember in my day when drunk twenty-somethings respected the law and wouldn’t dream of such thuggish behaviour, how times have changed.
