I don’t know about you but with each new iPhone iOS update there is always a mix of fear and excitement. How much space will it consume, how long will the download take, will it be one of those bum updates that does more harm than good – these are all valid concerns that run through one’s mind before deciding to take the plunge.
Apple’s WWDC conference earlier this week was a high-profile event and had a tidal wave of information to deal with. Perhaps the video above might help to put your mind at ease because, as you can see, it seems the iPhone iOS update is packed with some features that will make navigating everyday life far less cumbersome.
I like that Siri just got an AI upgrade and that bit about finding out who is behind the unknown number that keeps on ringing you – pure genius. If you’re using her to remind you to grab the coffee off your roof before you zoom off, however, you might need more than an updated iOS to make it through the day.
You know where to go to keep up to date with all the Apple goodies you need, don’t you?