Tuesday saw the news break that Mila Kunis would have been dreading. No, Ashton Kutcher wasn’t running back to Demi Moore, but a man convicted of stalking her had escaped from the mental health facility where he was being held.
No doubt this would have made Mila rather uncomfortable, especially considering that Stuart Lynn Dunn had once broken into her home and, on another occasion, spent three days stalking her at gym.
Well rest easy you delightfully beautiful human, Dunn has been found. Here’s the AP:
[Dunn] was recaptured Wednesday in Santa Monica, four days after he escaped from the institution, sheriff’s officials said.
Deputies with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s major crimes division took Stuart Lynn Dunn into custody in an alley about a half-mile from the beach…
Authorities said Dunn had few contacts in the Pomona area so they focused their search on gathering places for transient populations in western Los Angeles County. That included parts of Santa Monica, West Hollywood, Hollywood and Beverly Hills. The area where he eventually was found is not far from such a gathering place near the beach.
It is believed he escaped from the Olive Vista Behavioural Health Center after climbing through a bathroom window and scaling a barbed-wire fence.
Great news Mila, and the offer to come crash at mine whenever the need arises still stands.