Monday, March 17, 2025

Jacob Zuma Thinks Nkandla Is Bloody Hilarious [Video]

We're getting quite used to hearing Jacob Zuma enjoy a chuckle at our expense in parliament, but should he really be cracking jokes about Nkandla?

There is something about a good laugh that starts from the belly, gathers steam on its way up and comes rumbling out the mouth. People often can’t help but join in and before you know it there’s a chorus of your mates jumping on the merry bandwagon.

Then there’s a laugh so sinister, so ‘just try and stop me’ that it has the ability to ruin your day. What you see above is, for me, the epitome of a leader laughing in the faces of the people who elected him. You know, the voters to whom so much was promised and so little delivered.

Zuma was perhaps somewhat riled up by the attack from EFF spokesperson Mbuyiseni Ndlozi in what was a sustained verbal barrage on the president and his cronies.

That laugh though, there really are no words.
