Please don’t send this to anyone with an iPhone. They will instantly unfriend you.
BUT, big news – there’s finally an Apple bug. I know. It took long enough. What does it do? It reboots your beloved iPhone.
I. Would. Die.
I don’t think I have turned my phone off since I have had it. Who even knows what the passwords are…
It’s that cheeky message there that just says “Power” followed by the squiggly writing, allegedly Arabic.
Here’s how it works, according to The Telegraph, who have probably saved you from a fair amount of hassle:
The string of characters are really specific, but if you copy and paste it into a text, it will turn their phone off. Only the people who know the characters will be able to send it to their friends, and once they do, the phone will crash. It only works if you send it to someone who also has an iPhone.
Rad. What fun.
Here’s how to avoid it happening to you.
- Go to settings
- Click on Notifications
- Click on Messages
- Then slide across the button that says ‘Allow Notifications’ until it is no longer green.
Clearly, your poor little iPhone has a brainstorm, not knowing how to handle the display of the non-alphabetical characters properly and decides the best policy is to quietly fall over, restarting your “smartphone”.