Sunday, March 16, 2025

May 28, 2015

Bride’s Facial Expression Says It All When This Guy Proposes

Everyone knows the golden rule of weddings - never, at any stage, attempt to upstage the bride on her special day. Looks like these guys missed that memo.

Some people handle the build-up to their weddings in very different ways. There’s the stereotypical Bridezilla, likely to snap at any moment (and no doubt make the groom doubt his decision) and then there are the calm and composed, the bride that can’t wait for her big day and wears a permanent grin.

Well congrats, you’ve made it through the ceremony and now it’s time for the really fun part of the day when everyone squeaks some tekkie and abuses the bar tab. This is not, however, the time of the night one should upstage the bride and drop knee directly in front of the newlyweds.

Earlier this week a picture did the rounds on Reddit and it has people very, very riled up.

Sure people are angry but how did it sit with the bride?

I think it is safe to say that’s one of those ‘smile grimace’ faces; the one where the smile says ‘congrats’ but the eyes say ‘I will never forgive you’.

The internet quickly tore into the newly-engaged couple, with the Reddit thread storming past 1000 comments. The top-voted ones, shown below, sum up how angry some people will get when given half a chance.

Of course there is one sure-fire way to avoid anyone upstaging you at your wedding. Elope, tell no one, spend every last cent on the two of you – half the people you would have invited to your wedding couldn’t care less anyway.
