Well, that’s according to a Brunel University study which “analysed 555 online surveys taken by regular Facebook users”. The results showed that “people with certain personality types, such as extroversion, openness, narcissism, neuroticism and conscientiousness, updated their Facebook in specific ways”.
That’s a fair conclusion. Take me for instance. I really do not give a f*** about the 576th photo you have just posted of yourself with your new boyfriend/girlfriend. I am probably not going to ever ‘like’ it. I truly have better things to do, like take photos of my cat and save the world.
Here are the results (feel free to choose one applicable to you)…
There’s the extrovert, who posts “frequently about social events”. Then there are the neurotic personalities – these are great. They’re “more likely to post personal status updates, such as updating friends on their relationships”. The reason for this? They need validation. They need their ex (should the ex do a Facebook stalk) to see that they are all loved up and fine (totally fine) without them.
People with “open personality traits” usually post about “events, research, or their political views” rather than personal info. It’s the conscientiousness individuals who are the worst. They are the people who post about their children.
Then there are the ones we refer to in the headline. The insecure people.
Those with low self-esteem frequently posted about their romantic partner but were not as likely as Neurotic types to use the network as a means of validation… People are more likely to post relationship-relevant information on Facebook on days when they feel insecure.
I almost forgot the narcissists, the ones who “broadcast their diet and exercise routine to express the personal importance they place on physical appearance”.
So, it boils down to the neurotic, the insecure, the narcissists and the conscientious. You need to unfollow them. But do not unfriend them. A) You will have no friends left and B) Who knows what they will start posting when you hurt their feelings.
[Source: The Independent]