Tuesday, March 25, 2025

People Freaking Out: Radio DJ Killed Baby Rabbit Live On Air

How does a radio DJ ensure that he has death threats rolling in from around the world? By offing a baby rabbit live on air, which as we all know will have people fuming.

Before we start getting into this story let’s not for a second think that this DJ wanted anything other than a whole heap of attention for himself and his station. Dress it up however you like Asger Juh, there’s no such thing as bad publicity and you’ll be riding on the back of this wave for a while.

Right, with that out the way let’s plough forward. The Danish DJ courted controversy when he brought a baby rabbit called Allan to his show, then beat it to death with a bicycle pump live on air. He then took the rabbit home and turned it into a tasty dinner stew. So what was the reasoning behind the bunny bludgeoning? Here’s Stuff:

“We knew we would be accused of provocation,” the station said in a statement. “And yes, we indeed wanted to provoke the public and to stir a debate about the hypocrisy when it comes to perceptions of cruelty towards animals…

[Danish livestock] have often endured horrific suffering on their way to our dinner tables. These animals are killed according to the same controlled conditions as our studio rabbit, and without it invoking any strong reactions.”

And how did the social media backlash unfurl? Come on, you know what to expect by now. Here’s Asger talking to the BBC:

I’ve had death threats from Russia – people from Russia wanting to kill my children, Danish listeners and people threatening to kill me. I was not prepared for that.

Who would have foreseen that reaction in today’s social media climate, where people spend half their day trawling the internet for things to get outraged over.

You can listen to the audio of the incident HERE (full clip towards the bottom of the article), although you might need to brush up on your Danish first.
