Friday, March 21, 2025

May 22, 2015

Joyous Killer Whales Play With Boat. And Go [Video]

Unfortunately most of us will only ever see an orca at a SeaWorld or aquarium somewhere. Here's how they should be enjoying themselves.

Sometimes names can be misleading. Take for example Tokyo Sexwale, who is in fact not an Asian oversized and oversexed water dweller but rather a South African businessman and politician.

Then there is the killer whale, which might tear the odd seal apart but can have a rather friendly demeanour. From here on out we’ll refer to them as orcas, and in the above video a pod can be seen playing with a boat in Auckland, New Zealand. The Telegraph reports:

“We were with my friend Phil on his boat – a 32ft yacht, about 1 Mile from the beach when we saw the ‘blow’ from the whales and went over to investigate; and that’s when the fun started,” the filmer later wrote online.

“The orca got closer and closer to us. It seemed like they were encouraged by all our excitement. They loved playing with the dinghy being towed at the back. They would hover at the back of the boat, open their mouths and ‘feel’ the self-steering rudder at the back – it was like they were trying to figure out what it was.

Take note SeaWorld, this is how these noble beasts are supposed to spend their days, not ferrying trainers and performing tricks for fish. In the words of that mate of yours who loves to streak after one too many toots…free willy.

Apologies, I couldn’t resist getting that one out.
