Ladies, here’s a very good reason to get up three minutes earlier in the mornings than your man – you should be making him a good and strong cup of coffee, because goodness knows you’re going to be benefitting from it…
You can thank the good folk at University of Texas’ Health Science Centre in Houston for all their incredible research.
The study found that men who consumed between 85 and 170 milligrams of caffeine a day were 42 per cent less likely to report erectile dysfunction, than those who didn’t consume any.
So, yes, it is now fine to drink as much coffee as you possibly can… Jokes, that only adds up to about three cups, so you don’t have to be bouncing off the walls to get results.
The clever scientists explained it for us: ‘the suggested biological mechanism is that caffeine triggers a series of pharmacological effects that lead to the relaxation of the penile helicine arteries and the cavernous smooth muscle that lines cavernosal spaces, thus increasing penile blood flow.’
Layman’s terms?
Caffeine makes the muscles in the penis more relaxed, and those relaxed peen muscles mean increased blood flow and, boom, stronger erections.
It’s pretty straightforward, isn’t it?
*Cue all girls going to every coffee shop ever to see who drinks the most triple flat whites*
[Source: Metro]