Friday, March 7, 2025

They Reckon Bieber Is Tapping This Model

The love life of Justin Bieber has mainly involved whether or not he is with Selena Gomez again or not (it's very confusing) but maybe this model has caught his eye...

Justin Bieber has been spotted out and about in LA with a new lady-friend at his side. This time around it is “Commercial Model, Makeup artist and Youtuber” Jayde Pierce.

Wanna have a look-see at the 19-year old?

She posted this pic of her and the Biebs to her Instagram after going on a hike:

It’s not 100% clear if the two are a couple or just “workout buddies” for now (they’ve been spotted a few times going to gym together), but I feel like that’s enough boob pressed against Justin to warrant a fair assumption that they are a couple.

[Source: The Daily Mail]