Imagine travelling many galaxies, dodging meteor showers and black holes and other space oddities to visit earth – and then choosing to pop in at a game of golf?
Yes, the aliens were here and they spent some of their time observing the Players Championship in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. One eagle-eyed observer on May 9 noticed something unusual during the live broadcast, then spent the next few days holed up in a dark room somewhere hypothesising like mad. Huffington Post reports:
“When you see the pictures, people may think ‘oh, that’s a blimp,’ but after seeing the blimp in other clips, I can easily conclude it’s not the blimp,” the viewer reported.
“I also looked for other aircrafts flying by and nothing seemed plausible. The object did have a reflective surface. In the picture, you’ll see a golf ball, a bird, and the flash reflection, while the other object is the unknown craft.”
So what do the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and their chief image and video analyst Marc Dantonio make of the footage?
You see the object change apparent ‘shape.’ After reviewing this object multiple times, I could clearly detect motion within it that looked to me indicative of a bird in the middle of a wing stroke.”
Ah, I see, ’twas just a birdie then. I’m going to avoid the obvious array of golf-related puns here and leave you to run wild.