Thursday, March 27, 2025

May 12, 2015

Google’s Proposed New Offices Will Blow Your Mind [Images+Video]

No one is knocking that view you have out of your window straight onto Table Mountain (or in Jozi, the smog), but Google's new offices are certainly worth a look.

There’s weird, there’s wonderful and then there’s weird and wonderful – which is something the Google headquarters designers seem to have nailed pretty effectively.

Anyone who has seen the movie The Internship knows that Google’s current offices, located in Mountain View, California, are pretty accommodating. The new Googlepex however, as it has been dubbed, is set to blow anything you’ve seen before right out the water.

Two of Europe’s finest architectural firms were asked to design the new offices, based in North Bayshore, and they certainly let the creative juices flow with this one. Here’s Metro:

First up, there’s those artificial skies – four giant glass canopies which allow the company to create its own microclimate (yes, it’s always summer in Google world).

The floor, meanwhile, is made up of giant plates, gently sloping upwards like a series of ramps, so the 10,000 members of staff don’t need to use the stairs to move from one level to another…

Staff will be able to ride their bikes straight to their desks, thanks to the cycle lanes running around the building, and exercise and yoga classes will be held on the balcony on the top floor.

I like the non-stop summer bit but since when were stairs regarded as so evil? The new campus will also include hiking trails, wetland and park areas, shops and cafés.

I suppose it sounds like a pretty epic place to work, but sometimes you don’t need every frill and fuss under the sun. For those who appreciate great value on a creative workspace we have the inside line on THESE GUYS, so pop on over and get your business up and running.
