For once, you’re not going to have to spend your Sunday night plotting how to seek vengeance on some no-hearted person who mass produces puppies for dog fighting. The excitement of not crying yourself to sleep half way through the MNet movie is almost palpable, but I will warn you that they’re going to touch on Jayde and Nepal. But, there is something to look forward to also…
This Sunday, Carte Blanche presenter John Webb is going to take us into the dark depths of a huge cave just outside of Joburg.
A cave, you skeptically ask?
Named Armageddon after its sheer size, the cave was discovered in the 90s by a farmhand after a huge sink hole appeared in one of the farm’s fields. At that time, it measured 18 metres across and 50 metres deep, but a few years later it again grew, revealing the massive cave.
Whilst Webb is going to explore for us all on behalf of the Carte Blanche team, the exact location is going to remain top secret.
“This is by far the most extraordinary thing I have ever done in my life,” he says. “Extraordinary and absolutely terrifying. No wonder they call it Armageddon”.
George Mazarakis, Carte Blanche’s executive producer, is equally as excited:
The Carte Blanche team, led by veteran producer Diana Lucas, felt privileged as do we all, to be allowed to enter this extraordinary space and bring a truly awesome and remarkable natural phenomenon to our audience.
We can only speculate for now what is down there, but it could be something really rad.
That’s Sunday at 19h00 on 101.
[Source: Channel24]