Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Shame: Poor Camps Bay Residents Due For A Tough Winter

Winter in Cape Town is hardly fun. We tend to hibernate, build fires and drink a lot of red wine. Because we are coastal creatures, we need to see the ocean. Not this year...

Oh no. As if it’s not bad enough that the weather will dip below 20 degrees and it will be windy and raining with no good looking people on the beach and a lack of young foreign waitrons, there are now going to be roadworks on top of it all.

We first noticed this news item on OurHood as one of our staff members lives in Camps Bay. Thankfully he saw the announcement on the Camps Bay noticeboard on OurHood. Some further digging revealed this IOL article.

Mind you, they’re not minor roadworks, either. The City of Cape Town has announced that Transport for Cape Town will be doing a R20 million project to make Camps Bay Drive better.

Camps Bay Drive will be widened by 1,4 metres on the Table Mountain side between Geneva Drive and Rontree Avenue.
The centre line of Camps Bay Drive will be shifted by 0,7 metres, effectively widening each lane by 0,7 metres.
The road surface will be improved by removing the top surface (25 cm) and replacing it with recycled material and asphalt
Some of the sharp corners along Camps Bay Drive will be slackened to allow for the safe passage of buses in opposite directions
There will be no widening of the road between Rontree Avenue and Houghton Road, but the road surface will be rehabilitated along this part of Camps Bay Drive
The damaged culvert on Victoria Road in Bakoven will be replaced and this will require a stop-and-go controlled traffic accommodation at this section of the road

Camps Bay drive currently sees a good 14 000 cars every day, so all I can say is good luck to Main Road through Greenpoint and Sea Point.

Brett Herron, Mayoral Committee Member for Transport in Cape Town, says:

Camps Bay Drive has not been refurbished for the past 30 years. This major upgrade will significantly improve the road condition and safety for road users and cannot be postponed any longer.

Residents and visitors may want to diarise April 19th as the last day to really enjoy Camps Bay as the road closes on April 20th until September (here’s hoping it’s not another Kalk Bay Main Road disaster). That is not a lot of notice to get your ducks in a row, so thank goodness for OurHood.

I suppose though, that as long as the below doesn’t happen again, everything is cool.

That’s a long winter, friends. No more nipping up to Manna for a latte for you.

[Source: IOL]