Friday, March 28, 2025

April 7, 2015

Enjoy SA’s First Official Nudist Beach Video

Beachgoers on the KZN south coast were finally able to enjoy a day in the sun donning just their birthday suits. Here is how the nudist revellers made hay.

Fantastic news for those who like to let it all hang out – South Africa’s first nudist beach welcomed visitors this Easter weekend and there was no shortage of skin on display.

Now the above video has footage of various dangling bits, so if you are watching this at work be warned. Some background before you get stuck in, courtesy of Traveller24:

A 500-metre stretch of Mpenjati Beach, which lies on the Indian Ocean, received local government approval last year to become an official nudist venue….

The Hibiscus Coast local municipality approved SANNA’s [South African National Naturist Association] application in October and the beach was set to open officially Friday [April 3].

The process has been a long one for those seeking to get official approval and there is apparently a set of rules that one should abide by in order to stay within the legal boundaries.

Reports say the opening weekend’s festivities included volleyball and a sack race. You can make your own puns there.

One rather interesting aspect of the video occurs around the 2:20 mark and again from 2:45 onwards. What exactly are those responsible for the video trying to play at with these additions? Your guess is as good as mine.
