By now we think we know all there is to the sinking of the Costa Concordia back in 2012, followed by its floating last year. The ship, carrying 4 000 passengers, crashed into rocks just offshore from the island of Giglio, with the crash being blamed on poor captaincy.
How about this little curveball then, with investigators saying that the boat was carrying a huge shipment of mafia cocaine. As if that Italian Stallion of a captain wasn’t in enough trouble already. This from the Independent:
‘Ndrangheta, the feared Calabrian crime syndicate, had its drugs hidden aboard the huge cruise ship…phone and tape recordings of gang members have revealed.
“The same ship that made us a laughing stock around the world, took the piss out of us, too,” ’Ndrangheta boss Michele Rossi is heard saying to an associate, Massimo Tiralongo, according to police officers investigating the organisation’s vast cocaine-trafficking operation…
Officers from the organised crime investigation group in Florence say that the drugs on the Concordia, which have not been found, were stowed aboard without the knowledge of senior officers or senior company officials, but almost certainly with the complicity of one or more crew members.
The captain, Francesco Schettino, has been found guilty of manslaughter, causing a shipwreck and abandoning his post before passengers and will serve 16 years. One wonders if he didn’t maybe find some of the mafia stash and go a little Tony Montana on everyone.