Friday, March 21, 2025

March 24, 2015

Mob Attack At KZN Petrol Station Whilst Cops Stand By Doing Nothing [Video]

Footage has emerged of a violent altercation at a petrol station in KZN and it really doesn't make for pretty viewing. Where were the police, you ask? Doing sweet bugger all.

Whilst details on the above video remain scarce we can be sure of one thing – South Africa has some serious issues.

The attack took place at a petrol station in Pongola, KwaZulu-Natal and I’m not sure what the most disturbing part of the video is. I guess you can make your own call but the cops doing nothing whilst a lady is beaten tops the list for me. This from TimesLive:

Police were notified and rushed to the scene, but when they got there, ‘They just watched with their hands in their pockets,’ according to a witness.

Pongola’s SAPS station  commander has apparently launched a disciplinary inquiry over the officers’ apparent inaction.

…it is far from clear that race was a motivating factor in this attack – as some commentators speculated that the blond man in the attack appeared to have been attacking the woman in the blue shirt at the start of the video.

You make of it what you will. We need a lie down after the nerve-destroyer that was the Proteas semi-final loss.
