Now you guys might remember we brought you THIS story in January of Kid Rock posing with a dead cougar. That made us all rather angry, but you shouldn’t write someone off on the back of a single photo right?
Well the Michigan-born rocker recently sat down with Rolling Stone and let us in for a little behind-the-scenes insider info. Did he win us over? Some selected excerpts below:
[Girls] were always throwing themselves [at us]. It’s just when we first put the record out, it was bigger girls in southern Ohio, northern Virginia. Sold 10 million records and I was banging supermodels, which I didn’t have a problem with.
[But] I always treated people nice. Looking back at those times, I think I got more pussy than fucking anybody because I always treated people nice. That’s probably why I got so much fucking pussy…We had our morals in check. We didn’t fuck anybody’s wife, anybody’s girlfriend. We don’t need those headaches.
Now [my dad’s] crying after shows, like, ‘I’m so proud of you.’ I’m like, ‘Shut the fuck up and quit crying – stop it!’ I don’t like anybody crying. I don’t do well with that. I don’t cry myself. I definitely have emotional issues. We’re not gonna hug it out.
And what did his friend Hank Williams Junior have to say about the controversial cougar pics? Rolling Stone again:
I know a lot about mountain lion and bear hunting. He had perfect conditions. And that’ll never happen again, and it was a huge one…
The other side of that is maybe those people that didn’t like it can look up when a young, beautiful, mid-thirties mother was killed while she was jogging in California by a mountain lion. Or look at the 10-year-old kid that was mauled on a field trip in Montana. Don’t even get me started on that shit. They can and they will kill you. They can and they will.
Yeah, you better kill them before they kill you. Also use a big gun and a scope so the murderous beast can’t get within striking distance.
Anyway, the above are just excerpts I have carefully selected to make him sound like a douche so maybe you should read the full interview HERE and see for yourself. No prize for guessing what I think.