Tuesday, March 11, 2025

This Hipster Evolution Chart Is Spot On

It take quite an effort to keep up to date with exactly what the trendiest look going around is. Go on, you know you want to see exactly where your latest ensemble fits in on the hipster evolution chart.

By now you’re all well aware that we enjoy the odd poke at hipster culture. You know, how they are now moving to the township and using their own vocabulary.

We would like to point out that we do work from Woodstock Exchange, where there are more handlebar moustaches per square metre than anywhere else in the world. A quick look outside the entrance reveals numerous two-wheeled transport options with no shortage of these.

That there is, of course, Seth’s own Vespa and we might we add it is quite the looker. Full visor for the win.

Now we happened across this picture the other day and it made us chuckle. It really is pretty accurate, and also shows that our bergie-bearded Instagram addicts might be a few years behind the 8-ball. We give you the evolution of hipster (click on the image for the enlarged image)…

Where exactly on that timeline do we fit in? 2005’s Vespa-powered Fauxhemian does look quite familiar, although we have seen our fair share of pedal-powered beatniks breeze past the office window.

We are aware this chart is only till 2009 – if you guys can add to it please mail it to editor@2ovmail.com, we are keen for a little Friday chuckle.

Wherever you think our local hipsters fit on the evolutionary scale I think we can all agree that they do bring much joy to all of our lives and for that we salute them. It really does making taking a stroll around the Woodstock Exchange and engaging in a spot of people watching quite pleasurable.