Friday, March 14, 2025

March 20, 2015

New ‘Mail Your Enemy’ Service Takes Over Where Glitter Bombs Left Off

So you want to enact some revenge upon your enemies but you're struggling to think of a creative way to ruin their day? These guys might just have the answer.

Imagine sitting in front of your desk at work, counting down the minutes until you can escape, when suddenly you receive a parcel. An endless array of possibilities runs through your mind and then bang! A glitter bomb explodes in your face and your co-workers mock you mercilessly.

Now glitter-bombing has lost some of its allure and people are offering an alternative method of ridiculing enemies. Introducing ‘Dicks By Mail’, who for the sum of $15 US dollars (and the small matter of shipping) will send a 140-gram bag of penis-shaped gummy sweets and a note that reads ‘EAT A BAG OF DICKS’ to your adversary.

Now I’m pretty sure you could put this little revenge kit together yourself for less than the cost of paying these guys but that would mean relying on the SA Post Office. By the time your bag of gummy mini-knobs arrive you may well have patched things up with your foe, or worse yet, one of the postal workers might have used a sweet tooth to suss out the contents of your package.

We suggest you enact your justice ‘Old School’ style, a wrestling match that takes place in a tub filled with Vaseline – it’s the classier option.
