Tuesday, March 25, 2025

COMPETITION: Win Two Double Tickets For ‘We Love Summer’ This Saturday

But hang on, you heard they were sold out? Yeah we managed to nab two double tickets and we want to give them away pronto so enter now and get your groove on.

Winners announced – Congrats Katya Krat (MEOW) and the Frenchman with the bad grammar and missing vowels in his surname, Kevin Ptgni (I mean what is that?) Have a jol guys and go give JD a high five. 


We know you guys like to get down and dirty on the weekend. Don’t worry we’re not judging, you should see some of the Monday walks of shame around these parts.

Now we might be heading into winter but we have a few weeks of sunshine left so let’s make the most of it starting from tomorrow. You do know what is happening tomorrow right?

For the less informed tomorrow is the final ‘We Love Summer‘ party, sponsored by our good friends Jack Daniels. I know you heard the tickets are sold out and they are, but we spoke to a man about a dog and managed to wangle two double tickets for tomorrow’s jol. Being the good people that we are we’re looking to give them away ASAP so here’s how it is going to work. Listen closely, we don’t want you to butcher this one.

All you have to do is head to the comments section below and leave your favourite ‘We Love Summer‘  tune. Yeah, so basically the song you want them to play at the party that gets your booty shaking. We are giving away TWO DOUBLE TICKETS to the jol and we will select our favourite tunes and let the winners know by 2PM TODAY.

Do your thing readers, we could use some sweet new beats around the office so don’t hold back.