Friday, March 28, 2025

On The Subject Of Leggings

There's a full out war waging on the planet: pants versus leggings. It's a legit war. Sometimes there are serious fashion crimes involved, and they need to stop.

I’ll admit I bought a new pair of leggings yesterday. They are black with little white flowers. One is very excited for The Winter to start (can you tell?). When buying the leggings, though, I found it necessary to make absolutely sure I had something long enough to cover my derrière, because leggings are not pants and it is not okay to have your behind showing in material that tight.

Why are leggings not pants? That has been an ongoing debate for years now (and what wonderfully comfortable years they have been). Adam Glassman, the creative director for O, The Oprah Magazine, responded to a mother, Theresa, who asked that exact question, and this is what he had to say:

(Adam was actually so heated about the topic that he made Theresa come in to the O fashion closet.)

Leggings and jeggings are not pants. People try to make them into pants — you can’t! A pant is a pant, and a jegging is a schmatta. Let me tell you right now, friends don’t let other friends wear jeggings. I’m sorry. They’re really not flattering.

Well, f***.

Glassman then got creative with Theresa and gave her some style tips…

I’ve got a better solution for you. A much better solution. You need to wear a skinny-leg pant, or a cigarette pant, instead of something that’s so, so tight. I want something that makes your hips look balanced with your ankle and with your entire body.

Yes, Adam, that’s easy to do when you have an entire room filled with free clothes. Have you seen the price of a good pair of pants lately? Have you compared it to the price of The Comfy Legging/Jegging? I’ll bet you haven’t.

If you do it right, leggings FTW:

It’s when your leggings look like this that it becomes a problem and you you need to invest, rather, in a good pair of jeans.

[Source: The Huffington Post]